Month: September 2009

Birthday Bash on 16 Sep


It was my birthday on 16th sep. I had a good day. I got a new HTC touch :). Special gift. I really do not want to repeat my N73 death story over this. I am going to be extra careful on this.


He is cool. Right? I decided to call it ‘mopu’. How is the name? Love it.



I got Bill Bryson’s ‘The life and times of the Thunderbolt kid’. I have not read any of the authors other books.  Thank you all for the wonderful gift.


My favourite pic. Thank you shikha for the wonderful pic. The pink flower is looking so great. Guys the cake is half done. :). half of the cream ended up in my face. Excellent chocolate and cream facial. Luckly i got all the chocolated bars above that. The rellow bouquet is too good. thanks to all. Special thanks to my chakku.


Feast after the blast. We missed one of the potential candidate for the feast. Sreenivas. Non vegers were happy that he is not here. It was really a good blast.


Yellow flowers were so cute. Thank you again.IMAGE_031IMAGE_030

The burger and veg roll. the burger was too big.


All empty. I know we are just software engineers by profession. But do not under estimate us. We can do it.


My team mate devouring a butterscotch and honey pastry. 🙂


Chaku devouring a burger. Who is eating who?!!!!!

Thank you all for the huge bday bash.