Month: April 2013

Sign of the Cross–Review


Sign of the Cross by Chris Kuzneski, Finished reading on 20 April 2013


“A Vatican Priest is found murdered on the shores of Denmark – nailed to a cross in the shadow of Hamlet’s castle. He is the first victim in a vicious killing spree that spans the world. Each horrific murder exactly mirrors the crucifixion of Christ…

Meanwhile, deep in the Roman catacombs of Orvieto, an archaeologist uncovers an ancient scroll dating back two thousand years. The scroll, he knows, holds the key to a dark and treacherous secret that will rock the very foundations of the church. But only if he can decipher its lost meanings – and only if he can live long enough to reveal them”

Another thriller which is after a truth that could shake the foundations of church!  I think I have read at least a dozen of these kind of books. Still these genre has an unexplainable attraction. So again, I fell for the charm and bought this book from crosswords. It was quick read despite the long narration. It is an apt companion for a long and boring journey. Gripping, but there is nothing extra ordinary about the book. A normal thriller, that’s it.

Spoilers ahead….

The whole book author is unearthing a truth layer by layer explaining how that could have been even possible and in the process we almost believe that this is the next biggest thing after Da Vinci Code, but in the end with an unexpected twist author reinstates the history as it is without even a blemish. I find it a little disappointing.

Well it truly deserves a 3.

The Krishna Key – Review


The Krishna Key by Ashwin Sanghi, Finished reading in April

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“Five thousand years ago, there came to earth a magical being called Krishna, who brought about innumerable miracles for the good of mankind. Humanity despaired of its fate if the Blue God were to die but was reassured  that he would return in a fresh avatar when needed in the eventual Dark Age – The Kaliyug. In modern times, a poor little rich boy grows up believing that he is that final avatar. Only, he is a serial killer.”

Well, I started off the book with sky high expectations expecting a Indian Dan brown fiction. The story started off well, author paved the bricks smoothly and a solid base was well set for the story in the initial chapters. But then as the story moves forward author brings in discussions about myths (Some of then directly taken from ancient aliens)as an embellishment to the story and goes a little too far with these myths.

Story could have ended in a more rounded way closing many loops. At the end of the day, I remember reading only about some myths which were explained a million times in Ancient Alien’s episodes. Disappointed.

Lets go for 2.5